Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 8

Vydáno dne 13.02.2009

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. Have you done the assignment yet? – Homework is the last thing ________ mind right now, believe me.

    1. at
    2. at my
    3. in
    4. on my
  2. I'm sorry to ________ in at this point with something so trivial, but I really have to say this.

    1. butt
    2. drop
    3. jot
    4. kick
  3. This needs to be done ________ seven, so hurry up!

    1. by
    2. in
    3. till
    4. until
  4. My secretary ________ my e-mails so that might be the reason why yours never reached me.

    1. filters
    2. monitors
    3. screens
    4. sieves
  5. There ________ of reasons for homeschooling. One of them is the decreasing quality of school education.

    1. are a deal
    2. are a number
    3. is a deal
    4. is a number
  6. You'll have to hurry up if ________ there in time for the show.

    1. we'll be
    2. we're
    3. we're going to be
    4. we're to be
  7. Don't worry. He'll come back once ________ that there's nowhere like home.

    1. he'll have realized
    2. he'll realize
    3. he's realized
    4. he's to realize
  8. They couldn't ________ an agreement even after two weeks of intensive negotiations.

    1. achieve
    2. assume
    3. conceive
    4. reach
  9. The rescuers were working ________ time because the miners had air purifiers capable of generating fresh air for only a few hours.

    1. against
    2. out of
    3. short of
    4. without
  10. I ________ a millionaire now. If only I had taken part in that competition!

    1. could be
    2. could have been
    3. was able to be
    4. was allowed to be
  11. The conservation group used flamboyant tactics to ________ the issue of deforestation.

    1. highlight
    2. illuminate
    3. lighten
    4. shine
  12. The law allows ________ of ‘reasonable force’ in order to defend oneself.

    1. the use
    2. to use
    3. to using
    4. using
  13. That howl made his blood ________. He had never been so scared in his life.

    1. boil
    2. run cold
    3. stiff
    4. thick
  14. Many Christians are uncertain about ________ God exists.

    1. if
    2. provided that
    3. supposing that
    4. whether
  15. She ________ managed to pass the test even though it was really difficult.

    1. anyhow
    2. anyway
    3. somehow
    4. somewhat
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) a, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d, 7) c, 8) d, 9) a, 10) b, 11) a, 12) a, 13) b, 14) d, 15) c
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