Miscellaneous Advanced Test 10 (revision C)

Vydáno dne 15.03.2009

Opakování z ADVANCED testů 1–9, verze C

  1. As I went through security, it ________ on me that it had probably been my last visit to that beautiful country.

    1. came
    2. crossed
    3. dawned
    4. occurred
  2. I was impressed when she managed to tell the joke with ________ face.

    1. a plain
    2. a pulled
    3. a straight
    4. an even
  3. What's the pass ________ in this test? – 70 per cent, I guess.

    1. grade
    2. line
    3. mark
    4. point
  4. ________ much she prayed, she knew the painful truth that nothing would fill the hollow that her actions created.

    1. As
    2. Despite
    3. No matter how
    4. Whereas
  5. ________ my feet that caused me the most pain. Everything else I could stand.

    1. It was
    2. It were
    3. It's
    4. They were
  6. ________ Western Europe.

    1. Rhine is the longest river in
    2. Rhine is the longest river in the
    3. The Rhine is the longest river in
    4. The Rhine is the longest river in the
  7. The Yukon Wildlife ________ is definitely a highlight of the trip, featuring ten major species of northern mammals.

    1. Preservative
    2. Preserve
    3. Remove
    4. Reservoir
  8. People refused to believe in Noah's message, for ________ reason they were destroyed by a terrible flood.

    1. that
    2. the
    3. what
    4. which
  9. If we ________ challenge Lincoln this season, we need to start training right now.

    1. ---
    2. are to
    3. do
    4. would
  10. The doctor said that both had a high chance of recovery but, unfortunately, ________ survived.

    1. each haven't
    2. neither
    3. no one
    4. none
  11. My husband never stands ________! The other day his sister called me a skank and he just stood there!

    1. me
    2. me up
    3. up for me
    4. up to me
  12. I'm looking for someone who could play Hamlet in our school play and you ________ to me by Mr Ellis.

    1. were said
    2. were suggested
    3. were told
    4. were urged
  13. Mike felt as if he had ________ there for ages but actually it had only been a couple of minutes.

    1. been laying
    2. laid
    3. lain
    4. lied
  14. I thought my question wouldn't offend anyone but now I really regret ________ it up at all.

    1. bring
    2. bringing
    3. to bring
    4. to bringing
  15. If you wish ________ about our products and services, you can use the on-line form on our website.

    1. to complain
    2. you complained
    3. you had complained
    4. you would complain
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) c, 3) c, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b, 8) d, 9) b, 10) b, 11) c, 12) b, 13) c, 14) b, 15) a
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