Přepis vět 3

Vydáno dne 31.01.2009

Key Word Transformation Test – druh testu typický pro cambridgské zkoušky, kde máte za úkol přepsat věty jiným způsobem, ale zachovat význam původní věty.

Doplňte druhou větu ve dvojici s použitím zadaného slova tak, aby její význam byl stejný či podobný významu první věty. Je nutné zachovat tvar zadaného slova (nelze např. přidat či ubrat koncovku -s, -ing, apod.)

Do každé mezery doplňte dvě až šest slov.

1. „You should quit your job,“ she said to him.


She ___________________________(1) his job.

2. I started to realize that it was just a joke.


It ___________________________(2) that it was just a joke.

3. They had already extinguished the fire when the fire brigade got there.


The fire had ___________________________(3) when the fire brigade got there.

4. Sit down, sir, and I will find out if we have any vacancy.


Sir, if ___________________________(4) , I will find out if we have any vacancy.

5. She's always complaining about something.


All ___________________________(5) about something.

6. I could not win no matter how hard I tried.


Hard ___________________________(6) , I could not win.

7. I had some money on me, so I decided to go for a drink.


As I ___________________________(7) on me, I decided to go for a drink.

8. Our cat usually sleeps all day.


Our cat usually ___________________________(8) sleeping.

9. They didn't refund the money or give him a new product.


Neither ___________________________(9) give him a new product.

10. Fans were standing on either side of the road.


Both ___________________________(10) by fans.

Správné odpovědi: 1) suggested that he quit / suggested that he should quit ; 2) dawned on me ; 3) already been put out ; 4) you will sit down ; 5) she does is complain / she does is to complain ; 6) as I tried ; 7) had a little money ; 8) spends the entire day ; 9) did they refund the money nor ; 10) sides of the road were lined
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