Vydáno dne 04.02.2007
Slovní zásoba z písně na Help for English.
adjective - without light and brightness
verb - to die by being underwater and unable to breathe, to let somebody die in this way
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
verb - to see or discover something which you have been looking for
verb - to disappear, to lose one's way
noun - the surface of the earth
verb - to wait; to continue doing something; not to give up
noun - an opening, an empty space in something
adjective - inspiring hope, feeling hope
noun - something that you remember from your past
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
verb - to return a tape, cassette, film etc. to the beginning
verb - to walk or travel without a particular plan or goal, to wander
adjective - not speaking, not making any sounds; free from any kind of sound
noun - a device that gives off a warning signal, often a long loud wailing sound
verb - to give an impression
noun - something that can be heard
verb - to put something (usually with force) into a small place
adjective - cheap, of poor taste or quality
verb - to stop sleeping and open your eyes
noun - one of many parts of a sentence that carries a particular meaning
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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