Vydáno dne 07.02.2007
Slovní zásoba z písně na Help for English.
noun - a woman whose job is to appear in a film or in theatre
noun - a large farm building where crops can be stored
noun - a region within a state or a country with its own local administration
adjective - very nice, very pretty (usually about something small, such as a child, pet etc.)
verb - to find or see something that nobody has seen or even known of before you
adjective - very beautiful, very pretty
verb - to say written words or letters aloud
verb, formal - to buy something
noun - the top of a building that protects it from rain and wind and snow
adjective - exactly like something else, not different
noun - a person whose job is to sing songs
noun - a person who writes songs
verb - to look directly at something for a long time; to look at a person directly for a long time, which is unplesant for the person and impolite
adjective - happy (or unhappy) because something which you didn't expect happened
adjective - having a natural ability to do something
adjective - great, full of exciting and surprising things
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