Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 16

Vydáno dne 02.05.2009

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. Everyone looked at her ________ she were drunk, but the truth is she hadn't had a drop of alcohol all night.

    1. as like
    2. as though
    3. like if
    4. though if
  2. Let's leave now if we want to make it to the theatre in time, ________?

    1. don't let's
    2. don't we
    3. shall we
    4. would you
  3. Experts on body language say that you can tell a lot about a person by their ________.

    1. carrying
    2. pose
    3. posture
    4. stand
  4. The guard ________ in front of the gate since 6 AM, and he was really tired!

    1. had been standing
    2. has been standing
    3. was standing
    4. would stand
  5. These cakes are delicious but by no ________ healthy!

    1. manner
    2. means
    3. measure
    4. way
  6. This truck, ________ wheels are driven, is perfect for rough terrain.

    1. all of whose
    2. of which all the
    3. that's
    4. whose all
  7. Students must use a number-two pencil to write their essays, because essays written ________ pen will scan as blank.

    1. by
    2. in
    3. on
    4. with
  8. Many English people try to avoid ________ American expressions.

    1. to use
    2. use
    3. using
    4. using of
  9. In 1998 he put himself ________ as a candidate for the Presidency and the Board of Directors.

    1. down
    2. forth
    3. forward
    4. out
  10. Robbie's ________ the best player on the school team. There is no question about it.

    1. as yet
    2. by far
    3. rather
    4. very
  11. What happened? You've been giving me the ________ all day!

    1. cold shoulder
    2. hard shoulder
    3. chip on your shoulder
    4. shoulder to cry on
  12. My friends got in the car, the engine roared to life and ________.

    1. off did they go
    2. off they went
    3. off went they
    4. off were they going
  13. After high school he eked ________ a living delivering pizza.

    1. at
    2. by
    3. off
    4. out
  14. ________ be so cruel? He's never done anything to you.

    1. Do you have to
    2. Have you to
    3. Must you
    4. Won't you
  15. She never knows what to say when people ________ her compliments.

    1. drop
    2. get
    3. pay
    4. raise
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) a, 7) b, 8) c, 9) c, 10) b, 11) a, 12) b, 13) d, 14) c, 15) c
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