Vydáno dne 19.04.2007
Slovíčka ze songu písničkářky Jan Krist
verb - (of a plant) to produce flowers, to open flowers
verb - to put or hide in the ground
noun - bravery, doing something dangerous without being afraid or showing fear
noun - a long and narrow opening in something
noun - the remains of something that has been destroyed, esp. a building, aircraft etc.
adjective - skilful and quick
verb - to follow someone or something with the intention of catching them/it
verb - not to be sure about something
verb - to accept that you have been beaten, to accept that you can't do something because e.g. it is too difficult
verb - to put something in a place where it cannot be found or seen
noun - despair, the state in which there is no hope of sth
adjective - having holes that make it possible for liquids to get in or out
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - the ability to think, form opinions and make decisions
noun - non-acceptance, the act of rejecting something
noun - a polite question, the act of asking a question
verb - to give up a job, a position or a post
adjective - happy, content, having enough of sth
verb - to try to overcome something very hard
noun - a ship or any other craft used for water transportation
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