Vydáno dne 03.05.2009
Test na slovíčka obsažená v článku „S úsměvem jde všechno lépe“.
The movie was so funny I couldn't stop ________.
Stop ________ my shoes. I'm sure other men wear pink shoes, too!
It was a bit embarrassing but don't worry. You'll see that many years later you'll just laugh ________ it.
He thinks it's ________ to believe in God when there is so much pain and misery in this world.
When we saw Chandler's Halloween outfit, we just ________ out laughing.
Our teacher is so cruel. Sometimes he fails people just ________ fun.
Everyone knew Ruth liked girls so we knew she was just ________ when she told us she was pregnant.
He welcomed us with a wide ________ on his face.
You should try paint ball. It's ________.
Did you see the new Czech comedy on TV last night? – Yeah, it was ________. I loved it.