Vydáno dne 07.06.2009
Seznam amerických států s přepisem výslovnosti a hlavními městy
noun - a state in the South of the USA, the capital is Montgomery
noun - the largest state in the USA located in the north-west of North America, its capital is Juneau
noun - a state in the Southwest of the USA, its capital is Phoenix
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Little Rock
noun - the most populous US state, it is located on the western coast on the USA and its capital is Sacramento
noun - a state in the Rocky Mountains in the west of the USA, its capital is Denver
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Hartford
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Dover
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Tallahassee, a well known city is Miami
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Atlanta
noun - a US state located in the Pacific Ocean, its capital is Honolulu
noun - an American state located in the Rocky Mountains, its capital is Boise
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Springfield, a famous city is Chicago
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Indianapolis
noun - a state in the Midwest of the United States, its capital is Des Moines
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Topeka
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Frankfort
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Baton Rouge, another famous city is New Orleans
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Augusta
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Annapolis, another important city is Baltimore
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Boston
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Lansing, a famous city is Detroit
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is St. Paul
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Jackson
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Jefferson
noun - a US state located in the Rocky Mountains in the north of the country, the capital of which is Helena
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Lincoln
noun - a state in the west of the USA known for its deserts, the capital of gambling - Las Vegas (although the real capital is Carson City)
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Concord
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Trenton
noun - a state in the Southwest of the USA, its capital is Santa Fe
noun - the second most populous state in the USA, its located on the east coast of the US and its capital is Albany
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Raleigh
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Bismarck
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Columbus
noun - a state in the Southwest of the USA, its capital is Oklahoma City
noun - an American state located on the west coast of the USA (between California and Washington), its capital is Salem
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Harrisburg, another famous city is Pittsburgh
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Providence
noun - a state in the south of the USA, its capital is Columbia
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Pierre
noun - a state in the South of the USA, its capital is Nashville
noun - the second largest US state, the capital of which is Austin
noun - a state in the Rocky Mountains, its capital is Salt Lake City
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Montpelier
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Richmond
noun - a state on the west coast of the USA, its capital is Olympia, a famous city is Seattle
noun - a state in the east of the USA, its capital is Charleston
noun - a state in the Midwest of the USA, its capital is Madison
noun - an American state where you can find Yellowstone National Park, its capital is Cheyenne
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