Vydáno dne 24.06.2009
Krátký test zaměřený na slovní zásobu týkající se televizních seriálů.
All she does is watch TV ________ such as Desperate Housewives or Sex and the City.
When I bought Prison Break on DVD, I watched the whole first ________ in one day!
My favorite ________ of How I Met Your Mother is the one with Robin's music video.
I was disappointed by the Veronica Mars ________ because there was no closure.
If I like the ________, I usually buy the whole show on DVD.
Did you know that the ________ of the show ER was Michael Crichton, the author of Jurassic Park?
I hate ________. I like it if there's a closure and I know what happens to the characters.
Felicity is a typical ________. You know, it's all about a young girl and her relationship with two boys.
I can't stand the actress who plays Brenda. The rest of the ________ are okay.
Never read discussions about the TV show you're watching at the moment. There could be some nasty ________.