Idiomatic English 17

Vydáno dne 03.07.2009

17. díl seriálu testů zaměřených na mluvenou idiomatickou angličtinu.

  1. He's about as clever as a case sensitive search engine. – Hey, ________.

    1. finely stated
    2. nicely put
    3. well laid
    4. well said
  2. I asked Karen to come over tonight. Could you make yourself ________ so we can be alone?

    1. gone
    2. rare
    3. scarce
    4. thin
  3. If you think dropping out of school will solve your problems, then ________. But isn't there another way?

    1. let it be
    2. let it lie
    3. so be it
    4. so it be
  4. Never in a ________ years would I think he was capable of cheating on his wife!

    1. couple of
    2. hundred
    3. million
    4. thousand
  5. Guess what! I just found a hundred dollar bill just lying there on the sidewalk! – Oh, ________!

    1. good luck
    2. lucky you
    3. that's luck
    4. you have luck
  6. Hey Jon! ________ the hat? You joined the circus?

    1. How's
    2. Is it
    3. What means
    4. What's with
  7. Where did you get so much money? – ________ business!

    1. Avoid my
    2. Care for your own
    3. Mind your own
    4. Pay attention to your
  8. You, ________, should understand how hurtful discrimination can be.

    1. above everybody
    2. among everyone
    3. of all people
    4. over all people
  9. Don't you have an essay to write? – Don't worry, I'm ________ it. It'll be ready in time.

    1. above
    2. on the bottom of
    3. on top of
    4. over
  10. She was working ________ off to get straight A's so her parents would pay for her college.

    1. her ass
    2. her time
    3. the year
    4. weekends
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) d, 7) c, 8) c, 9) c, 10) a
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