Vydáno dne 19.07.2009
Otestujte si, jak dokážete správně používat slovesa vyjadřující změnu stavu (get, become, turn, fall, come, go, grow…)
Two children ________ lost in the forest yesterday.
Men tend to ________ asleep right after sex.
After some effort and a lot of swearing, the door finally ________ unstuck.
Giant pandas ________ endangered especially because of the loss of their natural habitat.
Sheila knew there was someone upstairs. She dialed 911 but the phone ________ dead halfway through the call.
The situation ________ ugly when the police pushed into the crowd with unnecessary force.
You've just broken up with Jess. You should take some time before you ________ involved with anyone else.
I need to confess something. Please promise you won't ________ mad.
The writer succeeds in making fantasy ________ alive in the reader's mind.
During the Civil War, slavery in America ________ illegal.