Vydáno dne 19.07.2008
Vybraná slovíčka z filmu Doba ledová 1
noun - irritation, the state of being irritated
noun - a surprise attack
noun - a strong muscular person
noun - a very important discovery
noun - an animal that eats meat of other animals
noun - a sharp nail of an animal
noun - a yellow flower with a hollow stem in which there is a white milky substance
noun - the time in the morning before the sun starts to rise, when first light appears
noun - a disastrous destiny
noun - the process of dying out
noun - one of the long sharp teeth of a dog or a snake
adjective - suitable, appropriate
noun - a group of animals such as cows etc.
verb - to pierce with something sharp
noun - a person who is in a place where he / she is not wanted
noun - a narrow horizontal surface that sticks out from a wall or rock etc.
noun - a kind of animals that feed their young by milk
noun - a large green insect, it is known that the female eats the male after mating
verb - to injure by teeth and claws
noun - a soft and soggy substance
noun - a number of animals living and hunting together (esp. wolves)
noun - the skin of a mammal with the fur on in
verb - to press painfully between your thumb and index finger
verb - to hit someone or something repeatedly with your fists
verb - to move back, to withdraw
verb - to get something back, usually with difficulty
noun - a short word for a large African animal with thick skin and one or two horns on its nose
noun - a sword with a curved blade and only one cutting edge
noun - a place where you can hide or hide something when there is a danger, or in case of rain etc.
adjective - very smart and clever
noun - a slow moving mammal that lives in South and Central America, known for hanging upside down from branches
noun - a small piece of burning material; the light produced by electricity passing through space
verb - to force something out of your mouth
noun - a group of soldiers
verb, British English, informal - to start eating heartily
noun - the very edge; the limit beyond which something will happen
noun - a small carnivorous animal with a long body, brown fur and short legs
verb - to kill out, to destroy completely
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