Vydáno dne 27.07.2008
Slovesa z lekce Angličtina pro začátečníky
verb - to wake up and leave the bed in the morning
verb - to come for somebody by car
verb - to take something in your hand
verb - to leave a thing that you have been holding on a table, on the floor etc.
verb - to start to wear a particular piece of clothes etc.
verb - to lower your body to a chair etc.
verb - to lift your body and be on your feet
verb - to remove something you have been wearing, e.g. a piece of clothes etc.
verb - to reduce the volume (of a radio etc.), to make something less loud, hot, strong etc.
verb - to stop a machine etc. by using a switch
verb - to make something work by using a switch
verb - to make something louder, hotter, stronger etc. by using controls on a machine etc. such as a radio
verb - to stop sleeping and open your eyes
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