Vydáno dne 09.09.2008
Slovesa z lekce Angličtina pro začátečníky
verb - to say something and expect an answer or information
verb - to take something that you will give back later
verb - to do an activity in order that something doesn't stay open
verb - to experience or enjoy (a holiday, a good weekend etc), to use (e.g. a shower, bath), eat (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner)
verb - to give somebody something for a period of time after which you will want it back
verb - to do an activity in order that something doesn't stay shut or closed
verb - to hand over, to give
verb - to produce words and sentences
verb - to name the letters in a word one by one
verb - to speak with somebody and give information to each other
verb - to give somebody information
verb - to do something with
verb - to stay somewhere until somebody comes or something happens
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