BUSINESS 05: e-mail (word quiz B)

Vydáno dne 14.09.2009

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Unit 05: e-mail


Pokud si nejste jisti, podrobný rozbor slov a frází páté lekce naleznete zde.

  1. You must update the clients ________ the latest news, Jack. You should send them some information at least once a week. It's in the contract.

    1. about
    2. on
    3. onto
    4. with
  2. They ________ the interview in the big conference room on the second floor.

    1. held
    2. held up
    3. made
    4. took
  3. They will have to ________ a new director since Mr. Brown resigned yesterday.

    1. apoint
    2. appoint
    3. point
    4. point out
  4. I'll need ________ one week to finish the report.

    1. a minimal of
    2. a minimum of
    3. minimal
    4. minimum
  5. The preliminary interview went fine. I'm not sure if they'll invite me for a ________ interview as well, though.

    1. follow
    2. follow-up
    3. second-up
    4. secondary
  6. They are ________. Everyone has the same chances of employment there, without differences such as race, sex, religion or age being considered.

    1. a same chance employer
    2. a straight opportunity employer
    3. an equal chance employer
    4. an equal opportunity employer
  7. Who shall I send it to? What's the name of the ________ ?

    1. receiver
    2. recepient
    3. reciever
    4. recipient
  8. We need to hire a new ________ . The one we have now is not very reliable I'm afraid.

    1. freight forwarder
    2. freight shipper
    3. shipping forwarder
    4. shipping supplier
  9. They were downsizing the company and he was ________ .

    1. laid off
    2. laid out
    3. layed off
    4. layed out
  10. The decision must be ________ by the CEO.

    1. controled
    2. controlled
    3. reviewed
    4. rewieved
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) b, 6) d, 7) d, 8) a, 9) a, 10) c
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