Idiomatic English 18

Vydáno dne 17.09.2009

18. díl seriálu testů zaměřených na mluvenou idiomatickou angličtinu.

  1. Julie, would you go out with me sometime? – Sorry, I'm not ________ for a boyfriend right now.

    1. in the market
    2. marketable
    3. marketing
    4. on the market
  2. I didn't really like the movie version of Jurassic Park although the visual effects were top ________.

    1. form
    2. nick
    3. notch
    4. tip
  3. You don't have to make a decision right now. ________ and tell me tomorrow, okay?

    1. Give it a sleep
    2. Sleep it off
    3. Sleep on it
    4. Sleep over it
  4. My jaw dropped when I first read about the accident and I still can't ________ it.

    1. find my head in
    2. pack my head about
    3. take my head out of
    4. wrap my head around
  5. I started ignoring her and thought she'd get the ________, but she keeps texting me all the time!

    1. call
    2. line
    3. message
    4. tale
  6. I never wanted you to find out but I need to get it ________. I hooked up with someone while you were gone.

    1. from my back
    2. off my chest
    3. out of my system
    4. poured out of my heart
  7. We haven't heard his side of the story yet so let's not ________ conclusions!

    1. jump the
    2. jump to
    3. make the
    4. make up
  8. I try to pay attention in calculus but it just goes ________. I've never been good with numbers.

    1. around me
    2. over my head
    3. past my ears
    4. through my mind
  9. Hey, come on in! ________ at home.

    1. Act like
    2. Be as if you're
    3. Feel
    4. Make yourself
  10. Now that you've broken your arm I suppose the ski trip is out of ________.

    1. date
    2. the question
    3. the subject
    4. the topic
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) c, 4) d, 5) c, 6) b, 7) b, 8) b, 9) d, 10) b
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