Vydáno dne 17.09.2008
Slovesa z lekce Angličtina pro začátečníky
verb - to say that you are sorry and regret having done something
noun - the room with a toilet
noun - a road vehicle with four wheels that can only carry about five people
verb - to go and buy the things that you need
verb, informal - an informal word for 'have got to'
verb - to have the obligation to do something; must
noun - a act when two people's lips touch
verb - to have in mind, to have knowledge of, to have learned, heard or seen
noun - bills and coins that you use to pay with
interjection, informal - an informal phrase expressing frustration
adverb - very, used to emphasize the degree of something, used to emphasize that something is true
verb - to give something to somebody for money
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