Vydáno dne 03.10.2008
Family, page 14+15
adverb - in someone's home
adverb - at the place where you work
noun - a sister of one of your parents, or your uncle's wife
noun - a boy who has a romantic relationship with somebody
noun - a female child, a girl
noun - a group of people who are related to each other
noun - a man who has a child
noun - the girl who has a romantic relationship with somebody
noun - the father of one of your parents
noun - the mother of one of your parents
noun - a man who is married
noun - the first day of the week
noun - a woman who has a child
noun - a woman (or a man) who works in a hospital and takes care of patients
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
noun - a male child, a boy
noun - a brother of one of the parents, or your aunt's husband
pronoun - what person, to which person
noun - a woman who is married
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