Vydáno dne 03.10.2008
An Email from England, page 16+17
noun - the middle, the heart of something
noun - a room in a school where the lessons take place, there are usually desks and chairs for students and the teacher, a blackboard, etc.
noun - a person whose job is to make drawings or plans showing how sth will be made
adjective - not the same
noun - an internet system in which you can send messages and files etc. from one user to another
adjective - bringing laughter and joy
adjective - pleased, not sad
adverb - in this place
noun - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
phrase - the question we ask if we want to know if someone is doing fine or not
noun - a strong affection for somebody
adjective - nice and beautiful
noun - a place where you can go to drink and dance and have fun at night
adverb - at this moment, this time
noun - a European country, its capital is Warsaw
noun - the act of doing something in order to become better at it, e.g. sport, or maths, etc.
noun - a large body of salty water, smaller and not as deep as an ocean
noun - the system and programs that your computer works with
verb - to produce words and sentences
noun - a European country, its capital is Bern
noun - a place with many houses and buildings where people live, work etc., it is bigger than a village
verb - to know what something means
noun - a kind of higher school where you study for a degree, e.g. to be a doctor etc.
verb - to put words on paper with a pen etc.
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