Vydáno dne 04.10.2008
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
noun - a small rocking bed for a little child
verb - to describe something exactly
verb - to want something very much
noun - a person who follows a leader and learns from him
noun - a person who has dicovered some kind of hidden knowledge (esp. about the future)
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
noun - a bend
noun - the part of the leg in which it bends in the middle
noun - a place with smooth short grass
verb - to let somebody or something go down
verb - to walk like a soldier
noun - a religious leader sent by God to save the world (e.g. Jesus Christ in Christian religion)
noun - large pieces of paper printed with latest information about politics, sport, culture etc., often published every day
verb - to get up, to get upright
noun - a person/god who saves people from death or sin; in Christian religion it is the Christ
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
noun - a fixed time
noun - a building or an underground room where a dead person is buried
noun - the organ in a woman's body where the fetus develops before it is born
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