Vydáno dne 30.10.2008
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
noun - a narrow street
verb - to be a part of something, to have a place somewhere
verb - to be careful, to look out
noun - something that has been created
verb - to move forward very quietly
verb - to make it difficult for somebody to concentrate or to pay attention
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
noun - the ability to form pictures in your mind, the ability to get new and original ideas
noun - a piece of information written on a note or sent to somebody in another way
noun - a bad or scary dream
adjective - free from danger
verb - to make somebody feel frightened
noun - a loud cry of terror or intense pain
verb - to appear, to appear to be
noun - an amusing performance, TV programme etc.
verb - to take something as your own
noun - the belief in somebody's honesty, sincerity etc
noun - true facts or information
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