"Halloween" by 3

Vydáno dne 31.10.2018

Rocková sestava z newyorkského Woodstocku s prostým názvem “3” a jejich píseň Halloween. Vy si píseň můžete poslechnout, doplnit do textu vynechaná slova a přečíst si její český překlad.


by 3

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Jak na to?

Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:

Tip: Po doplnění jedné mezery vždy stiskněte tabulátor k pohodlnému přesunutí na další mezeru. Nepoužívejte klávesu ENTER (ta by celé cvičení ukončila).

Deeper, deeper than ___________________________(1)
The ___________________________(2) is just a sleeper
Look in his eyes
I think he's got a ___________________________(3)
Should I get his ___________________________(4) ? No.
Go and get a scalpel
We're planting a  ___________________________(5)

I think we'll build a ___________________________(6)
Inside of his head
That topples every ___________________________(7)
Renders him dead
We'll put him in a ___________________________(8)
See how he does
Until he can't remember
The ___________________________(9) that he was

This is halloween
It's halloween
It's halloween
Whoever you are

Persistence this is the key
Just lock him in the ___________________________(10)
Leave him to me
Something is very ___________________________(11)
In the darkness unseen
Push the faders up
Modify the  ___________________________(12)


Don't you know the ___________________________(13) is the same
For masking the ___________________________(14)
But you didn't wanna…

Down in the ___________________________(15) below
There's people on fire
And they don't even know!


Behind your ___________________________(16)
You know I'm trying
But I'm too ___________________________(17) to ask
Many thanks to you
Many things to do
And the beat goes on
Until the beat gets through

___________________________(18) eyes only see
A blurry reality
And the beat goes on
Until the beat gets free

Written and performed by Three. © 2009. Used with permission.
Visit the band's website at theband3.com.

Správné odpovědi: 1) God ; 2) kid ; 3) fever ; 4) mom / mum ; 5) bomb ; 6) tower ; 7) hour ; 8) blender ; 9) boy ; 10) basement ; 11) wrong ; 12) gene ; 13) sin ; 14) blame ; 15) valley ; 16) mask ; 17) scared ; 18) Teary

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Okruhy slovíček: 3 – Halloween

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