Vydáno dne 20.11.2008
Slovíčka z lekce v kurzu Angličtina pro začátečníky.
noun - the fourth month of the year
noun - the third summer month
noun - the anniversary of your birth that you celebrate every year
noun - a period of 24 hours starting at midnight and ending at midnight
noun - the last month of the year
noun - the Christian holiday that celebrates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ
noun - the second month of the year
noun - a holiday that is celebrated on and around the 25th of December, when people give each other presents etc.
noun - the first month of the year
noun - the second summer month
noun - the first summer month
noun - the first spring month
noun - the fifth month of the year
noun - a period of 30-31 days
noun - the third autumn month
noun - the second autumn month
noun - one of the four parts of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
noun - the first autumn month
noun, American English - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
noun - 365 days
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