Vydáno dne 21.11.2008
noun - a person who designs buildings, houses etc.
noun - a person who serves customers at a bar
noun - a woman who works in trade or does another activity to make money
noun - a person whose job is to stop a fire and save people
noun - a person who shows you round a place which you don't know well
noun - a person whose job is to cook or direct the work of other cooks
noun - a person who has been educated in law and whose job is connected with law
noun - a person whose job is to show clothes at fashion shows, to pose for photographers and cameras etc.
noun - a person who plays the piano
noun - a person whose job is to fly an airplane etc.
noun - a person whose job is to protect people from criminals and see that law is obeyed
noun, British English - a person who delivers letters etc.
noun - a university teacher
noun - a person who works in a shop, helps you with your shopping and collects money for what you buy
noun - a person whose job is to sing songs
noun - a person whose job is to take people to a place by car (the people pay for the journey)
noun - a person whose job is to organize funerals and prepare dead bodies for burial
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