Vydáno dne 15.12.2009
Vyzkoušejte si, jestli umíte doplnit vzorový email správnými slovíčky, hlavně pak spojkami.
Vyberte z možností tu, která se do emailu hodí nejlépe. Pokud si nejste jisti, pátou lekci obchodní angličtiny, ve které se rozebírá psaní emailu, naleznete zde (WORD and PHRASE ANALYSES) a zde (TIPS and TRICKS). Zde pak najdete část, ve které se věnujeme užitečným spojkám.
Dear Mr Hanson,
We have been a client of yours for five years without any major problems. ________________________________ (1) we were naturally very disappointed with the delivery we received from you this morning. I would like to ________________________________ (2) to the following problems we encountered.
________________________________ (3) , your freight ________________________________ (4) delivered the crates to our office in Narrow Street ________________________________ (5) our explicit instructions in the order to deliver the goods to our headquarters in Wide Street this time. I had called Ms White to make sure that you knew about the changes and I was ________________________________ (6) that you had informed the driver ________________________________ (7) .
________________________________ (8) , when I checked the contents of the crates against the packing list, I discovered that two items were missing. I do realize that such mistakes can happen. I was shocked, ________________________________ (9) , to discover that ________________________________ (10) thirty supplied items had completely different specifications to those in our order.
I am aware that this sort of thing has never happened before, but I must point out that these discrepancies are causing us ________________________________ (11) ________________________________ (12) with our production line.
________________________________ (13) , I have called your customer service department three times this morning, but there was only an answering machine. ________________________________ (14) I am informing you about this urgent matter by email and ________________________________ (15) that you find an immediate solution.
I would also ________________________________ (16) if you could ________________________________ (17) a credible explanation as to how such a thing might have happened.
________________________________ (18) you contact us today and rectify all the mistakes, we are prepared to ________________________________ (19) all our agreements ________________________________ (20) this is considered a serious breach of the contract.
Yours sincerely,
David Brown
Purchasing Manager