Vydáno dne 30.11.2009
Zajímavá písnička americké kapely The Rentals – jmenuje se Colorado a
vy si ji zde můžete poslechnout a doplnit do jejícho textu chybějící
slovíčka. Nakonec vás čeká český překlad.
Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.
Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:
Tip: Po doplnění jedné mezery vždy stiskněte tabulátor k pohodlnému přesunutí na další mezeru. Nepoužívejte klávesu ENTER (ta by celé cvičení ukončila).
Sometime tomorrow
Sloan steps out to the
her bags and loads them up
And off she
to Colorado
But why Colorado, she *don't know
On the ride right by her
Is her dog “Joe”
Books on tape help her mind
As a cold wind
to Colorado
Why Colorado, she *don't know
As she was leaving from
I could not give her one reason to
But, the reason she's got to go, well, we
I know why she
out to the
But why to Colorado, I don’t know
The mountainside broke through the
the radio
The voices of the station
Quickly faded, coast to coast
In the
, the static of the station slowly rose
With her mind at rest in her thoughtlessness
In a haze of falling
Her weightless dream
to the street
as she rolled to Colorado
Still, why Colorado, she *don't know
Will she find Colorado? I don't know
Written and performed by The Rentals. Copyright, all right reserved. Used
with permission.
Visit the band's website at www.therentals.com.
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Okruhy slovíček:
The Rentals – Colorado