"Colorado" by The Rentals (fill in the gaps)

Vydáno dne 30.11.2009

Zajímavá písnička americké kapely The Rentals – jmenuje se Colorado a vy si ji zde můžete poslechnout a doplnit do jejícho textu chybějící slovíčka. Nakonec vás čeká český překlad.


by The Rentals

Listen to the song and complete each gap with one word.

Jak na to?

Chcete-li doplnit co nejvíce správných slov, budete potřebovat následující:

Tip: Po doplnění jedné mezery vždy stiskněte tabulátor k pohodlnému přesunutí na další mezeru. Nepoužívejte klávesu ENTER (ta by celé cvičení ukončila).

Sometime tomorrow
Sloan steps out to the ___________________________(1)
She ___________________________(2) her bags and loads them up
And off she ___________________________(3) to Colorado
But why Colorado, she *don't know

On the ride right by her ___________________________(4)
Is her dog “Joe”
Books on tape help her mind ___________________________(5)
As a cold wind ___________________________(6) to Colorado
Why Colorado, she *don't know

As she was leaving from ___________________________(7)
I could not give her one reason to ___________________________(8)
But, the reason she's got to go, well, we ___________________________(9) know
I know why she ___________________________(10) out to the ___________________________(11)
But why to Colorado, I don’t know

The mountainside broke through the ___________________________(12)
And ___________________________(13) the radio
The voices of the station
Quickly faded, coast to coast
In the ___________________________(14) , the static of the station slowly rose

With her mind at rest in her thoughtlessness
In a haze of falling ___________________________(15)
Her weightless dream ___________________________(16) to the street
And ___________________________(17) as she rolled to Colorado
Still, why Colorado, she *don't know

Will she find Colorado? I don't know

Written and performed by The Rentals. Copyright, all right reserved. Used with permission.
Visit the band's website at www.therentals.com.

Správné odpovědi: 1) road ; 2) packs ; 3) goes ; 4) side ; 5) escape ; 6) blows ; 7) LA / L.A. ; 8) stay ; 9) both ; 10) goes ; 11) road ; 12) night ; 13) killed ; 14) shadows / shadow ; 15) snow ; 16) fell ; 17) melted

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Okruhy slovíček: The Rentals – Colorado

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