Vydáno dne 30.11.2008
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English.
verb - (of air) to move
determiner - the two
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
verb - to get away from somewhere, to get free from something/somebody
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
noun - air that is difficult to see through because of heat or smoke
verb - to end somebody's life
verb - to put things on a ship, a lorry etc. that need to be transported somewhere
verb - to change into a liquid or to something soft (e.g. chocolate or cheese)
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
noun - the side of a mountain
verb - to put things into containers, cases, boxes etc.
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
noun - the time when your mind and your body relaxes
noun - a journey on horseback, on a boat, bike or motorcycle
verb - to get up, to get upright
verb, American English - (of a vehicle with wheels) to move
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
noun - crackling or hissing on the radio, on TV etc. caused by electrical interference
noun - the programmes that are broadcast by one TV or radio company; the radio or TV company itself
noun - a small case with a tape in it, you use it for playing and recording music
noun - the trait of doing something too fast, without much consideration or thought given to it
adjective - having or appearing to have very little weight
noun - moving air
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