Vydáno dne 01.12.2008
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
noun - a tree branch
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
verb - to decorate something or somebody for a special occasion
noun - a sensation, an emotion, something that you feel
verb - to put something up in a way that the upper part is fixed and the lower part is loose, to be in such a position
noun - a small tree with red berries and dark green leaves, it is often used as decoration at Christmas
noun - an informal dance where you can dance to popular music
adjective - happy, merry
noun - a plant that is used as a Christmas decoration, when a man and a woman meet under it, they have to kiss
adjective - dressing like people dressed in the past, having ideas like people had in the past etc.
noun - a kind of food made of a pastry case filled with meat or fruit
noun - a large orange vegetable (technically it's a fruit) similar to a melon
verb - to make a sound like a bell, to make a bell produce a sound
verb - to move back and forth or from side to side
adjective - connected with emotions
noun - the mood you are in
noun - the sound that comes from your throat when you speak
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