Vydáno dne 04.12.2008
Slovíčka z vánoční písně na Help for English.
noun - maize, a grain plant with sweet yellow seeds
adjective - very pleasant, making you very happy
verb - to stop living, to become dead
noun - a place in the room where you can light a fire
adjective - extremely bad
verb - to have something in your hand
adjective - not high, close to the ground
verb - to become loose very suddenly, to jump up very suddenly
noun - something that shows that something exists etc.
conjunction - for the reason that
noun - very strong wind together with rain, sometimes with thunder and lightning etc.
adjective - fastened very firmly so it is difficult to move; not loose
verb - to reduce the volume (of a radio etc.), to make something less loud, hot, strong etc.
adjective - not cold; making you feel not cold
noun - the condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow etc. at a certain time at a certain place
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