Grammar Theme Park: Battlestar Galactica

Vydáno dne 06.12.2009

Gramatický test, ve kterém se všechny věty týkají nějakého konkrétního tématu, tentokráte je to seriál Battlestar Galactica.

  1. The original Battlestar Galactica series was made in the year 1978. ________ its success, the show was cancelled in 1980.

    1. Against
    2. Although
    3. Despite
    4. However
  2. The three-hour miniseries was ________ successful that Sci-Fi channel decided to develop this new version of Galactica into a TV series.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. as
    4. so
  3. Richard Hatch, who played Captain Apollo in the original Battlestar Galactica series, plays Tom Zarek, a political agitator who spent ________ twenty years in prison for a terrorist act.

    1. above
    2. more
    3. more that
    4. over
  4. In Battlestar Galactica, people are ________ war with Cylons, a robotic race whose aim is to annihilate humankind.

    1. at
    2. at a
    3. in
    4. in a
  5. It was surprising to me ________ that Cylons believe in God.

    1. learn
    2. learning
    3. that learned
    4. to learn
  6. “Battlestar Galactica” in the TV series is ________ the name of a military space ship.

    1. actually
    2. concretely
    3. currently
    4. particularly
  7. Battlestar Galactica was not destroyed at the beginning of the war ________ the computer systems of this spacecraft were not networked.

    1. as
    2. because of
    3. due to
    4. for
  8. Laura Roslin ________ a Secretary of Education before she became president.

    1. had been
    2. has been
    3. used to being
    4. was
  9. The name of the actress ________ you can see on the cover of Battlestar Galactica Season 1 is Tricia Helfer.

    1. as
    2. that
    3. where
    4. which
  10. The plot of Battlestar Galactica centers around the search ________ the lost thirteenth colony of Kobol by the survivors of the original twelve colonies.

    1. after
    2. by
    3. for
    4. of
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) d, 4) a, 5) d, 6) a, 7) a, 8) d, 9) b, 10) c
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