Vydáno dne 16.12.2008
Interpunkční znaménka
noun - the mark ('), it is used to mark the place where a word has been shortened (e.g. isn't, I've, he's etc.)
noun - the mark * used in texts
noun - the symbol @
noun - the mark \
noun, British English - one of the pair of marks ( )
noun - the mark ':', it is usually used before a list of things, example etc.
noun - a punctuation mark (,) that separates two things and marks a pause
noun - the sign ' - ' used to mark a pause or the omission of some words
noun, British English - the sign ' ! '
noun - a sign or mark that connects two words together (-)
noun - the mark ' ? ' which is used at the end of a sentence that requires an answer
noun - the mark ( " or ' ) that shows the beginning or end of direct speech
noun - the mark ';', it is usually used to connect independent clauses
noun - the mark ( / ) which is used for example to separate different alternatives
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