Vydáno dne 29.12.2007
Názvy planet naší sluneční soustavy apod.
noun - the planet that we live on
noun - the largest planet in the solar system
noun - the fourth planet of the solar system
noun - the first planet of the solar system, the closest one to the sun
noun - the name of our galaxy
noun - the body that moves around the earth at 28 day intervals, any natural satellite of a planet
noun - the eighth planet of the solar system, the one after Uranus and before Pluto
noun - the planet that is furthest from the sun (not actually considered a planet anymore)
noun - the sixth planet of the solar system, it is surrounded by rings
noun - the system of planets orbiting the sun
noun - the yellow star that shines in the sky and gives us heat and light
noun - the seventh planet of the solar sytem
noun - the second planet of the solar system, between Mercury and Earth
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