Grammar Theme Park: Studying English

Vydáno dne 11.01.2010

Gramatický test, ve kterém se všechny věty týkají nějakého konkrétního tématu, tentokráte je to studium jazyků.

  1. If I hadn't been so lazy when I was young, I ________ able to speak English much better now.

    1. were
    2. will be
    3. would be
    4. would have been
  2. ________ I spent a lot of money and time learning French, I'm still awful at it!

    1. Although
    2. Despite
    3. However
    4. In spite of
  3. Our teacher tried to explain the system of English tenses but there was too much information to take ________ all at once.

    1. in
    2. off
    3. over
    4. up
  4. German ________ to be quite difficult, especially because of the grammar rules.

    1. is considering
    2. is said
    3. is seemed
    4. is told
  5. I felt a bit under the ________ and couldn't concentrate on any of the questions in the English test.

    1. clouds
    2. fog
    3. storm
    4. weather
  6. ________ spends time learning a language needs to enjoy the process.

    1. Never mind who
    2. No matter who
    3. Whoever
    4. Whom
  7. My parents bought me a two-week language course in Britain! ________ next Sunday!

    1. I'll leave
    2. I'll leaving
    3. I'm going to leave
    4. I'm leaving
  8. RLT Language School, situated in a residential area north of the city centre, ________ in 1953.

    1. found
    2. founded
    3. was found
    4. was founded
  9. It's ten years now since I ________ learning English.

    1. am
    2. have been
    3. have started
    4. started
  10. I love David Crystal's Ency­clopedia of ________ English Language.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. an
    4. the
  11. It's not necessary to use perfect grammar. For me it's more important to ________ the message across.

    1. get
    2. give
    3. make
    4. understand
  12. English is a melodious language, ________ German is too harsh.

    1. however
    2. since
    3. whereas
    4. yet
  13. You want to improve your listening skills? Why don't you try ________ to English music?

    1. listen
    2. listening
    3. to listen
    4. to listening
  14. You will no longer have to browse the web for answers once ________ Michael Swan's Practical English Usage.

    1. will have bought
    2. you will buy
    3. you're going to buy
    4. you've bought
  15. A good dictionary will provide ________ all the information you need to know about an English word.

    1. for you
    2. to you
    3. you
    4. you with
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) d, 6) c, 7) d, 8) d, 9) d, 10) d, 11) a, 12) c, 13) b, 14) d, 15) d
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