Vydáno dne 09.01.2009
My favourite season, page 32+33
noun - the season of the year that comes after summer
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
adjective - better than everybody or everything else
noun - a place where you can go to drink and dance and have fun at night
noun - red, yellow, blue, green etc.
adjective - quite cold, usually in a pleasant way; not hot or warm
noun - a son or daughter of your uncle or aunt
noun - the time when there's daylight
noun - a liquid, such as water, which you take into your body through your mouth
noun - an event where you can see a series of films, hear a series of bands etc.
noun - a beautiful and colourful plant, women like to get this plant from men
noun - an area near a house where people grow flowers or vegetables, and where they often relax
adjective - of very high temperature, very warm
noun - a holiday that is celebrated on and around the 25th of December, when people give each other presents etc.
noun - a short funny story with a punchline that should make people laugh
adjective - not short, having a great distance from one end to another
noun - a very high hill
adjective - good-looking, pretty
noun - the direction in which the hand of the compass always points
noun - a country in the north of Europe, its capital is Oslo
noun - the colour which you get by mixing red and yellow
noun - an open green area in a town or city where people can go to relax, sit down, have a picnic etc.
noun - the colour of a little girl's dress or a very clean pig
adjective - full of rain, having a lot of rain
noun - the colour of blood, tomatoes, ketchup etc.
noun - one of the four parts of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
noun - the direction on the compass opposite the north
noun - the season of the year after winter
verb - to begin doing something
adjective - full of sun
noun - a country in Southeast Asia, its capital is Bangkok
adjective - connected with a country near the Equator
adjective - not cold; making you feel not cold
noun - the colour of snow or a wedding dress
noun - the coldest season of the year
noun - 365 days
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