Vydáno dne 10.01.2009
30 slovíček z první epizody internetového seriálu CHAD VADER.
noun, informal - the soft part of your body that you sit on (very informal)
verb - to risk money on something that might happen
verb - to be brave enough to do something
noun - a meeting of two people who are in love
noun, informal - an offensive word for someone you don't like
noun - the ruler of an empire
noun - a person who was given work
verb - to disappoint someone, to let someone down
verb - to stop being angry about something bad that somebody has done to you
adjective - very serious
verb - to deal with something difficult
noun - the counter in a supermarket at which you pay for the goods you want to buy
noun - rude and disrespectful behavior
verb - to put at risk
noun, informal - a place, such as a pub, club, restaurant, especially one that has a bad reputation
verb - to continue doing something
verb - to be down on the knees or to get down on your knees
noun - the idea or sense of something
verb - to give a command that has to be obeyed
verb - to find a solution to something
verb, informal - to ruin something completely (very informal)
noun - one of the periods when a group of workers work in a factory etc.
noun - a plan of things to be done
noun - the group of people who work at a place (e.g. a hotel, restaurant etc.)
verb - to put things that you need somewhere (on a shelf etc.)
noun - a piece of work that you have been assigned (that you have to do)
adjective - strange; not usual or normal
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