Vydáno dne 11.01.2009
30 slovíček z šesté epizody seriálu Futurama (A Fishful of Dollars)
noun - information in the newspapers or Tv etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product, use a service etc.
verb - to have enough money in order to buy something or pay for something
noun - a type of small sea fish that is often canned and served on pizza, in salads etc.
noun - a machine into which you insert your credit/debit card and it gives you cash
verb, formal - to propose a payment (esp. in an auction)
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
noun - the act of making someone accept new beliefs and attitudes (often as a part of a religion etc.)
noun - the name of a product that makes it special (e.g. Nike, Adidas)
noun - men's or women's underwear that covers the parts between the waist and the top of the legs
verb - to send radio or TV waves through the air
noun, American English - a metal container for food
noun - an advertisement on TV or radio
noun - the basic thing without which something cannot exist
adjective - very nice, very pretty (usually about something small, such as a child, pet etc.)
adjective - suitable for eating
noun - an amount of money that is paid as a punishment
verb - to make somebody do something, using force
noun - a pleasant, sweet smell
verb, informal - to contribute financially, usually in a group so that the group can buy something together
noun - an amount that you earn when you keep money in a bank; the money you pay for a loan
adjective - producing a feeling that you want to scratch it
adjective, informal - very bad, lame
verb, informal - to irritate someone
noun - a kind of greasy liquid that comes from a variety of plants, such as sunflower or olives, which is used for frying etc.
noun - a person whose job is to work with water pipes, central heating etc.
adjective, informal - luxurious and fashionable
verb - to make a high sound (but not loud) like that of machine that needs oiling
noun - a very bad smell
noun - a piece of underwear worn by men or women under their trousers
verb, informal - to feel depressed and sorry for yourself
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