Vydáno dne 13.01.2009
30 slovíček ze sedmé epizody seriálu Futurama (My Three Suns)
verb - to kill an important or famous person (esp. for money)
noun - a place where you can have your car washed
noun - the husband or wife of a king or queen
noun - a ceremony in which a new king or queen is installed
noun - an illness or a symptom of an illness in which you empty your bowels more frequently and your stool is in a watery form
noun - the ruler of an empire
verb - to put somebody on the the throne officially (and make them King or Queen)
noun - the organ that enables fish to breathe under water
noun - a person enjoys high-quality food and drink
noun - an insect that lives in the grass, jumps very high and far and makes a sharp sound by rubbing its legs together, it is usually green
verb, dated - to greet
noun - one of the food items you need in order to cook something
verb, informal - to stop annoying someone, to stop doing something annoying
noun, informal - a point on a scale
noun - an official promise to do something, esp. at a court of law when you promise to tell the truth
noun - a sea animal with eight strong arms and a head
verb - to be larger in number
noun, informal - a man or a boy who is not behaving in a very man-like way
adjective - careless, not worried about consequences of one's actions
noun - being king or queen somewhere
adjective - very silly
noun - a slow-moving creature with very soft body, it is similar to a snail but has no shell
verb - to squeeze someone's neck to prevent breathing
adjective - encouraging; holding something from below so that it doesn't fall or collapse
verb - (esp. of flying insects) to move about in large groups
verb - to let drops of liquid come through the skin when it is hot or when you do hard work
noun - a sleeveless T-shirt with a large U-shaped neck
verb, formal - to go to the toilet and let the yellowish liquid come out of your body
verb - to throw up; to let food come out of your stomach through your mouth, esp. when you feel sick
verb, informal - to ruin something, to make something fail
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