BUSINESS extra: Summary Test A (01-05)

Vydáno dne 23.01.2010

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BUSINESS extra: Summary Test A (01–05)

Ke každé z pěti lekcí najdete pět vět. Vyberte nejvhodnější slovíčko.


1) A person or company that pays people to work for them: ________________________________ (1)
2) Someone who is paid to work for someone else: ________________________________ (2)
3) Someone who pays money regularly to receive newspapers or magazines: ________________________________ (3)
4) If a person is not doing their job properly, they may be fired or, in other words, ________________________________ (4) .
5) When you travel somewhere to do business, you go  ________________________________ (5) .


6) A picture or set of words that persuades people to buy a product: ________________________________ (6)
7) A person who asks for a job by sending his/her CV: ________________________________ (7)
8) The opposite of ‚responsible‘ is ________________________________ (8) .
9) Your salary before tax has been taken from it: ________________________________ (9) salary
10) To be involved in one particular area of business: to specialize ________________________________ (10) something


11) The fact of whether you are single or married: ________________________________ (11)
12) A problem that is often discussed or argued about: ________________________________ (12)
13) In an interview you are often asked about your ________________________________ (13) .
14) If you go to an event, e.g. a meeting, you ________________________________ (14) the meeting.
15) After finishing a university you get  ________________________________ (15) .


16) If you take part in an activity or event, you are ________________________________ (16) in it.
17) The details of a person's expe­rience, education, etc: ________________________________ (17)
18) A document that you send to someone with your email: ________________________________ (18)
19) To think about something carefully, or to think of someone in a particular way: ________________________________ (19)
20) To give something to someone with your hand:  ________________________________ (20)


21) The person who is asked questions in an interview: ________________________________ (21)
22) To find new people to work for a company: ________________________________ (22)
23) Someone who is being taught the skills to do a particular job: ________________________________ (23)
24) To keep documents in a particular place: ________________________________ (24)
25) To send letters, information etc to someone: ________________________________ (25)

    1. a) an employ
    2. b) an employee
    3. c) an employer
    4. d) an employment
    1. a) an employ
    2. b) an employee
    3. c) an employer
    4. d) an employment
    1. a) a prescriber
    2. b) a scriberer
    3. c) a subscriber
    4. d) an orderer
    1. a) dismised
    2. b) kicked
    3. c) kicked out
    4. d) sacked
    1. a) for a business trip
    2. b) for business trip
    3. c) on a business trip
    4. d) on business trip
    1. a) an add
    2. b) an addvert
    3. c) an advertisement
    4. d) an advertising
    1. a) an applicant
    2. b) an applier
    3. c) an applycant
    4. d) an applyer
    1. a) inresponsible
    2. b) ireponsible
    3. c) irresponsible
    4. d) unresponsible
    1. a) bruto
    2. b) gross
    3. c) net
    4. d) netto
    1. a) at
    2. b) for
    3. c) in
    4. d) on
    1. a) marital state
    2. b) marital status
    3. c) married state
    4. d) married status
    1. a) a discrepency
    2. b) a matter
    3. c) a problem
    4. d) an issue
    1. a) strength and weakness
    2. b) strengths and weaknesses
    3. c) strongness and weakness
    4. d) strongnesses and weaknesses
    1. a) attend
    2. b) attendance
    3. c) attendant
    4. d) attendee
    1. a) a master's degree
    2. b) an engineer's degree
    3. c) an engineering degree
    4. d) an ingeneer's degree
    1. a) involved
    2. b) involving
    3. c) parted
    4. d) partly
    1. a) background
    2. b) backing
    3. c) baground
    4. d) basics
    1. a) an attachement
    2. b) an attachment
    3. c) an enclose
    4. d) an enclosure
    1. a) to consider
    2. b) to speculate
    3. c) to think
    4. d) to weigh
    1. a) to give something to someone
    2. b) to hand something to someone
    3. c) to reach something to someone
    4. d) to show something to someone
    1. a) an interviewe
    2. b) an interviewee
    3. c) an intervieweer
    4. d) an interviewer
    1. a) to appoint
    2. b) to employ
    3. c) to hire
    4. d) to recruit
    1. a) a trainee
    2. b) a traineer
    3. c) a trainer
    4. d) a trainner
    1. a) to fail
    2. b) to fall
    3. c) to file
    4. d) to fill
    1. a) to forward
    2. b) to give
    3. c) to hand
    4. d) to send
Správné odpovědi: 1) an employer , 2) an employee , 3) a subscriber , 4) sacked , 5) on a business trip , 6) an advertisement , 7) an applicant , 8) irresponsible , 9) gross , 10) in , 11) marital status , 12) an issue , 13) strengths and weaknesses , 14) attend , 15) a master's degree , 16) involved , 17) background , 18) an attachment , 19) to consider , 20) to hand something to someone , 21) an interviewee , 22) to recruit , 23) a trainee , 24) to file , 25) to forward
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