Vydáno dne 17.01.2009
Základní slovíčka ze druhé epizody internetového seriálu CHAD VADER.
noun - a narrow passage between seats (e.g. on a bus) etc., or between the rows of shelves in a shop
noun - a feeling of wanting to hurt or fight somebody, especially because they have done something bad to you
noun - a person who is being trained by an expert
adjective - absolutely excellent or great
adjective - extremely bad
verb - an order, somebody's statement of something that you must do
noun - a person who goes to a shop to buy things
noun - a situation in which you use weapons or your own body to try to defeat somebody, usually in a violent way
noun - a very strong feeling of dislike
verb - to become a part of a group
noun - not enough, too little or too few
verb - to take away from something; to take off; to get rid of
adjective - not polite; behaving in an offending way
verb - to look for something carefully
verb - to feel through one or some of the five physical powers we have
verb - to watch somebody secretly, to look for a person's secrets
adjective - not fresh anymore, gone bad
noun - a set of formal clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt
noun - an animal that usually lives in water, has a large hard shell on its back and short legs
verb - to throw up; to let food come out of your stomach through your mouth, esp. when you feel sick
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
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