Vydáno dne 27.01.2009
30 slovíček z osmé epizody seriálu Futurama (A Big Piece of Garbage)
noun - a company that is doing the same business as you
noun - a measurement of how many units (people, things etc) are in one place
noun - the right to have something
adjective - having good reputation, widely recognized and respected
verb - to make somebody feel silly or awkward, especially in front of people
noun - an occasion that has been organized and that is attended by many people
verb - to bring, to go and get
noun - something disgusting, dirt
adjective - filthy, extremely dirty, smelling badly
noun, American English - things that are no longer needed and which you usually throw away, e.g. bits of food, old paper, tins etc.
noun - a mark that you get at school for a test or exam
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
noun - a person who makes something new, e.g. a machine or design, that nobody has come up with before
noun, informal - a stupid person (a man or a boy)
noun - a glass container with a wide mouth, it is used e.g. for jam, pickles etc.
adjective, informal - very bad
adjective - very new
verb - to set on water (a boat etc.), to send into space (shuttle, sattelite etc.)
noun - a leader who manages a town or a city
noun - a short light sleep
noun - a smell, esp. an unpleasant smell
verb, formal - to read carefully
noun - a short test that students weren't warned about beforehand
noun - something valuable that is given to somebody who has won in a competition etc.
verb - to use something again after it has been processed, esp. about paper, plastic etc.
noun - something you do in order to harm or hurt someone because they have hurt you
noun - a very bad smell
noun - an instrument that enables you to see very distant objects, or see them better
adjective - that cannot be beaten
adjective - having wrinkles
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