Vydáno dne 31.01.2009
30 slovíček z desáté epizody seriálu Futurama (A Flight to Remember)
verb - to risk money on something that might happen
noun - the inside of something, the center of something
noun - something worn around your wrist or arm as an ornament, usually made of silver, gold or other metal, leather, beads, etc.
noun - a disaster or great tragedy
noun - a bright thing in the sky that has a light head and a long tail
adjective - making somebody believe something
noun - a noblewoman in some countries
noun - a sightseeing tour, usually on a large ship
noun - the main floor on a ship
adjective - made to look like something or somebody
noun - a man who has promised to marry someone
noun - a person who commits the illegal act of cheating a person in order to get money
noun - a large mass of ice floating in the sea
verb - to cause a kind of discomfort on the skin which makes you want to scratch it
adjective - being afraid of losing a person you like or love because somebody else likes him/her too
noun - physical work
noun - (of a machine) a failure to work properly
noun - a kind of large cloud (made up of gas and dust) in space
adjective - brave, heroic, unselfish
verb - to say what will happen in the future
noun - a department or a group of people responsible for keeping safe the property of a company or an institution
noun - the act of persuading someone to have sex with you or do other things that they are not supposed to do
adjective - (esp. about lovers) not able or allowed to be together because of circumstances, destiny etc.
noun - a set of rooms in a hotel
adjective - trying to persuade somebody to do something bad
adjective - caught with no possibility of escape
noun, American English - the period of time when you do not go to school or work and can travel and relax instead
noun - a ship or any other craft used for water transportation
noun - the act of breaking a law, a rule etc.
noun - a journey in a ship, especially a long one
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