Vydáno dne 07.02.2009
30 slovíček ze třetí epizody internetového seriálu CHAD VADER.
noun - a narrow passage between seats (e.g. on a bus) etc., or between the rows of shelves in a shop
noun, informal - a vulgar way of saying 'nonsense or rubbish'
noun, American English - a metal container for food
adjective - certain to die or be destroyed
noun - (usually in sci-fi) an intelligent robot
noun - something that you must do
noun - an organisation or a business (e.g. a restaurant, a store, etc.)
noun - the way you respond to something emotionally
adjective - very serious
noun, informal - a man
verb - to take place
noun - a pile of things, things put in one place one on top of another
verb - to be unable to breathe because of something blocking your throat
adjective - having a key role in achieving something
noun - the glass part of a lamp etc. that gives out light
noun - the part of the body that connects your head to your body
noun - a soft thing that you put under your head when you sleep
verb - to get back something that you have lost
verb - to keep in mind, not to forget
verb - to make something that has been broken work again; to mend, to fix
verb, formal - to announce your presence somewhere
noun - an event when a shop is selling its goods at lower prices
verb - to keep for later use, (about money) not to spend, to keep
verb - to look for something carefully
verb - to fire a gun or an arrow etc.
noun - the act of taking things in a shop without paying for them
verb - to make a physical contact with something
noun, American English - things that are no longer needed and which you usually throw away, e.g. bits of food, old paper, tins etc.
noun, informal - an offensive word for someone you don't like
verb - to apply wax on, to polish with wax
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