Přepis vět 4

Vydáno dne 09.02.2010

Key Word Transformation Test – druh testu typický pro cambridgské zkoušky, kde máte za úkol přepsat věty jiným způsobem, ale zachovat význam původní věty.

Doplňte druhou větu ve dvojici s použitím zadaného slova tak, aby její význam byl stejný či podobný významu první věty. Je nutné zachovat tvar zadaného slova (nelze např. přidat či ubrat koncovku -s, -ing, apod.)

Do každé mezery doplňte dvě až šest slov.

8. Try as you may, you will never succeed.


You will never succeed, ___________________________(1) hard you try.

1. Steven couldn't bear the noise any longer.


Steven could ___________________________(2) with the noise.

2. Who made you responsible for this project?


Who ___________________________(3) this project?

3. It was a mistake for you to bring your son with you.


You ___________________________(4) your son with you.

4. I regret saying those things last night.


I ___________________________(5) those things last night.

5. It wouldn't surprise me if the story wasn't true.


It wouldn't suprise me if ___________________________(6) story.

6. I have never seen such arrogance in my life.


Never ___________________________(7) seen such arrogance.

7. Do you think young people's sense of right and wrong is as strong as it was 50 years ago?


Do you think young people ___________________________(8) a sense of right and wrong as they did 50 years ago?

9. She hasn't been told clearly what is expected of her.


It ___________________________(9) to her what is expected of her.

10. He suddenly stood up and left.


All ___________________________(10) to his feet and left.

Správné odpovědi: 1) no matter how ; 2) no longer put up / no longer cope ; 3) put you in charge of ; 4) shouldn't have brought / should not have brought ; 5) wish I hadn't said / wish I had not said ; 6) it was a made-up / it were a made-up ; 7) in my life have I ; 8) have as strong ; 9) hasn't been made clear / has not been made clear ; 10) of a sudden he got / of a sudden he rose
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