Vydáno dne 10.02.2009
Slovíčka (nejen slovesa) z lekce kurzu Angličtina pro začátečníky
determiner - whole, complete
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
verb - to take something that you will give back later
noun - a boy who has a romantic relationship with somebody
verb - to prepare food
verb - to move your body in the rhythm of music
verb - to stop living, to become dead
noun - The meal which you have in the evening. In many countries it is the main meal of the day
adjective - costing a lot of money, not cheap
verb - to complete something or to get to the end of something
verb - to dislike something very much
adverb - yesterday evening, the night before
adverb - the year before this one
verb - to get some knowledge, or skill
verb - to find something or someone enjoyable
verb - to pay attention when you want to hear somebody or something, for example music
verb - to have your home in a particular place
verb - to feel a strong affection for somebody
noun - A sport event, e.g. in tennis or football
noun, American English - a building where you go to see a film
verb - to want something that is important to you
adverb - not ever, not at any time
verb - to do an activity in order that something doesn't stay shut or closed
verb - to do an activity in order to have fun, to take part in a sport or game
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
verb - to rest by doing something enjoyable; to stop worrying
noun - a place where you can have a meal
verb - to breathe in the gas from a cigarette, cigar etc.
verb - to begin doing something
verb - to finish or end something
verb - to learn actively; to try to learn something
noun - a young person between 13-18 of age
noun - a place with many houses and buildings where people live, work etc., it is bigger than a village
verb - to go on foot
verb - to wish to have something, to need
verb - to look at something for a period of time
verb - to do an activity or job, especially to earn money
noun, American English - a piece of ground next to a house, there's usually a wall or a fence around it
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