Vydáno dne 16.02.2009
Klíčová slovíčka v povídce BEYOND THE GREAT WHITE WALL.
verb - to get closer to something, to get near
adjective - very surprised
adverb - on the other side of something
noun, American English - a special shoe used by football players etc. (there are studs on the soles to prevent sliding)
verb - to be a part of a whole
verb - to understand what something means
verb - damage or destroy by pressing heavily
adjective - feeling as if the world is turning around you and that you might fall, usually as a result of being somewhere very high, or of an illness
adjective - without end
adjective - extremely big, giant
verb - to cross, to meet at one point
noun - a low continuous sound
noun - a length of time
noun - the player in American football who leads the offensive play of his team
noun - a shape having four right angles
verb - to make a deep loud sound, like a lion
noun - a line of seats (in a theatre etc.)
adjective - having an even surface without any rough parts, having a surface that things can easily slide on
verb - to be or go all around something or somebody
noun - a hollow pipe used especially for liquids or gases to go through
verb - to walk about without a particular goal or direction
verb - to ask yourself questions, to keep thinking about
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