Vydáno dne 17.02.2009
Slovíčka z CLOZE testu na HFE o Transylvánii, Drákulovi apod.
noun - an exciting experience, usually unusual and sometimes dangerous
noun - the character that opposes the hero of a novel etc.
adjective - fearless, having courage
verb - to make a humorous picture of somebody
noun - a wooden box where a dead body is put
noun - a nobleman in some countries
noun - bravery, doing something dangerous without being afraid or showing fear
verb - to be brave enough to do something
noun - a period of ten years
verb - to come from something
verb - to get rid of something, to put an end to something
noun - a plant that looks a little like an onion, it has a very strong taste and odour
adjective - shocking esp. in a sick way (involving blood, death, etc.)
verb - to be the host of, to provide everything necessary for an event
verb - to question something (esp. authority, correctness, legality etc.)
verb - to pierce with something sharp
verb - to cause something very unpleasant, such as pain etc.
verb - to gather (esp. courage)
noun - a kind of jewellery that is worn around the neck
noun - a couple who has recently been married
noun - a store where you can buy outdoor equipment
verb - to hunt for, to predate
verb - to be king or queen somewhere
noun - a Europen country, its capital is Bucharest
noun - a person, such as a king, who has the power over a country, people etc. and uses the power
verb - to look for
verb - to get lower and lower, usually under the surface of something
adjective - very impressive
verb - to ask to come
noun - the person who managed to live after a difficult situation
noun, American English - a sweater with a high collar that fits closely around your neck
noun - a character of horror movies that sucks blood from people (e.g. Count Dracula)
noun - a person who is hurt or killed in an accident etc; a person against whom a crime has been committed
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