Vydáno dne 22.02.2009
30 slovíček z jedenácté epizody seriálu Futurama (Mars University)
noun - one of the beds that are built one above the other, usually used by soldiers, sailors, students etc.
noun - a box (usually made of wood) used for moving things in
noun - a person who is in charge of a particular division of a university or a college
noun - the state of losing respect of other people, something that makes people stop respecting you
noun, informal - (short) a building (on the campus) where college students can live
noun - a person who does not finish his/her studies
verb - to become an official member or a participant (of a club, course etc.)
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
noun - an area of study or interest
verb - to set up, to start the building of
noun - an organisation for male university students in the US or Canada
noun - a plant that is used for making strong ropes or a drug called marijuana
verb, informal - to be suited for each other
adjective - making somebody feel ashamed or embarrassed
noun - a kind of light fastened to the ceiling, usually with more light bulbs, often ornate and decorative
adjective - making one feel admiration or respect
noun - a plant that climbs up walls
noun - a small barrel, especially for beer
noun - the things that you know
noun - a tree trunk that has been cut and rid of branches
noun - the main subject or field you study at a university
noun - the second main subject or field you study at a university
verb - to remove an animal's sex organs
noun - a person of the same age etc. as somebody else
noun - the force produced by pressing something
noun - a period of time when a criminal is released and has to behave well
noun - a person who lives with you in your room or your apartment
noun - a person who works in somebody's household, usually as a cook, gardener etc.
noun - a group of plants or animals of the same kind
noun - a plant that climbs walls, fences etc. or crawls on the ground
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