Vydáno dne 25.02.2009
30 slovíček z dvanácté epizody seriálu Futurama (When Aliens Attack)
noun - a creature from a different planet
noun, informal - an attractive but stupid woman
adjective - empty, with no writing on it, not filled in
noun - a person who frightens and hurts other people, esp. those weaker than him
verb, informal - to get someone out by using physical force
adjective - very interesting, catching your attention
noun - a person who avoids danger because he is afraid, a person who is not courageous or brave at all
noun - a piece of paper with the words you were supposed to say (usually shown to actors on stage etc.)
verb - to ask for something firmly
verb - to recruit someone to the army
noun - the job you are obliged to do
noun - the last episode of sth
noun - a woman who has sex for money, a prostitute
noun - the conclusive victory in a game of chess
verb - to enter a territory or country by force
verb - to bend your body forwards or backwards or sideways
adjective - appealing sexually
verb - (of animals) to copulate
noun - a very short skirt
noun - a scandal, an event that makes us shocked and angry
verb - to hit something or somebody hard with the fist
noun, formal - the number of pixels per square inch on a TV screen, digital photograph etc.
noun - a round shaped space ship that aliens supposedly use
verb - to run about making short quick steps
noun - a painful spot on the skin caused by prolonged pressure (such as lying in one position for too long)
verb - to delay something deliberately
noun - the act in which a person kills himself/herself deliberately
verb - to lose consciousness (esp. because you are exhausted)
adjective - unable to speak clearly (for example because you are nervous etc.)
noun, informal - a boring person who talks too much
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