Vydáno dne 26.02.2009
Základní slovíčka ze čtvrté epizody internetového seriálu CHAD VADER.
noun - a machine in which the money is kept in a shop
verb - to take something that has been moving into your hand
noun - a nice word for a small or cute dog
noun - the reason that you give when you apologize or when somebody blames you for something
adjective - made solid by very low temperature
noun - a farm bird that cannot fly, a hen or a rooster, people eat its meat
noun - choosing between things, an option, several possibilities to choose from
adverb - at once, without waiting or delay
noun - a thing
verb - to become a part of a group
adjective - not tight, not firmly fixed
adjective - very unkind and rude
noun - a command that must be obeyed
verb - to stop working somewhere, to leave one's job
verb - to know or understand suddenly
adjective - stormy and violent, not quiet
adjective - foolish, not clever
conjunction - if not
verb - to walk about without a particular goal or direction
verb - to function effectively
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